Sorry for the whining, but I'm getty VERY frustrated trying to do some very
simple jobs with DotNet and finding out that they are just impossible or
involve a LOT of work.
- Print a RichTextBox - five pages of code and it MIGHT work
- Limit a RichTextBox to 4000 characters? Nope, but you can have one that
holds 18446744073709551616 characters.
- Create a non-box shaped custom control - Can't use transparency so you
better know the shape you need BEFORE you bother with the control. Ever try
to define the region for snowflake shaped controls? Remember - each on is
- Maintain the look of a form - You're expected to buffer, re-parse and
recalculate ALL of your data every time the PAINT method is called. A form
can't remember what it looks like.
I had enough trouble with VB6. Finally ended up taking part time courses and
they close the course before I can finish it!
I'm not a newbie programmer... I could program 6809 assembler in my sleep at
16 years old, I've worked in dBase III, Clipper, QBasic, z-80 assembly...
Why does M$ feel the need to convolute everything so much, then make the
help files even worse?
simple jobs with DotNet and finding out that they are just impossible or
involve a LOT of work.
- Print a RichTextBox - five pages of code and it MIGHT work
- Limit a RichTextBox to 4000 characters? Nope, but you can have one that
holds 18446744073709551616 characters.
- Create a non-box shaped custom control - Can't use transparency so you
better know the shape you need BEFORE you bother with the control. Ever try
to define the region for snowflake shaped controls? Remember - each on is
- Maintain the look of a form - You're expected to buffer, re-parse and
recalculate ALL of your data every time the PAINT method is called. A form
can't remember what it looks like.
I had enough trouble with VB6. Finally ended up taking part time courses and
they close the course before I can finish it!
I'm not a newbie programmer... I could program 6809 assembler in my sleep at
16 years old, I've worked in dBase III, Clipper, QBasic, z-80 assembly...
Why does M$ feel the need to convolute everything so much, then make the
help files even worse?