Whilst there's a glitch...


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Good morning Crunch-Buddies, hope the PC Review "corridors of crunch" are still munching the WUs on this bright........er, well it's rather cloudy actually.........Sunday morning :D

Sorry, but if I don't make my morning comment, it just doesn't feel right for the rest of the day :lol:

Hope you're all crunchzilliously fit today :thumb:

There, now I can happily go off for my coffee-fix now :p
Whats the old saying never work with children or animals!:p

Good morning Taffycat, looks outside like it's going to be yet another Crunchtastic day.:wave:
Taffycat said:
It was that noisy Feckit who woke the Bot, I was treading gently and whispering.... honest :p
Yes Ian, Taffycat is right i was noisy.
It's just like it is at home, the cats get the best seats, claw where they like, bring in mice 24/7, sleep for 20 hours of the day & on the whole have an easy life!!!
Ian, can we not lock the pcreview forum cat flap until at least mid-day on Sunday's!:p
feckit said:
Yes Ian, Taffycat is right i was noisy.
It's just like it is at home, the cats get the best seats, claw where they like, bring in mice 24/7, sleep for 20 hours of the day & on the whole have an easy life!!!
Ian, can we not lock the pcreview forum cat flap until at least mid-day on Sunday's!:p

Awww - what a grumble-guts... and cat-ist too :eek: you sure that's allowed..?

....And if moggies sleep for 20 hours, that means they only go on patrol for 4 - so who is really bringing in the mice :confused: I think this needs further investigation my dear Holmes ;) :lol:
I'm not sure how Welsh cats act though, here in the deep south our 2 cats seem to sleep or be out killing!
One is 19 the other is 9 & it's the older one who is the killer!
We've got four, but they're not into killing - in fact, they're not into going out :rolleyes: they were all strays originally, so can't be exactly sure about their ages, but the youngest is about three, and the oldest must be about twelve. Being Welsh, they have hobbies... the youngest likes birdwatching - from the window; the oldest enjoys a spot of computing, he often sits at the side of me in an advisory capacity; the middle one is the comedian; the only girl of the gang is a bit of a drama-queen and sits looking very disapproving when the lads all decide to play and have a mad charge around the house. :lol:
Good morning again guys, it's lovely and sunny with just a hint of crunch in the air today :D

Psst... I am still creeping and whispering, so don't go blaming me if the Bot get's disturbed again.... I didn't do it (to quote a certain Bart Simpson) :lol:

Happy crunching folks :thumb:
Severe Weather Warning in London at the moment & have a day off so lots of Crunching.:D
Cats both curled up in the warmth chilling out.