From the web site:
7000AlCu 0.22-0.29C/W 18-27dB noise
7000Cu 0.20-0.27C/W
7700AlCu 0.21-0.28C/W 20-32dB noise
7700Cu 0.19-0.24C/W
I hadn't seen that particular spec, but I knew roughly where
everything fell. I did look for compat. info on the ZalmanUs site
but didn't find either Asus.
The 7700, with a bit more cooling, would seem to allow downward
adjustment of the fan. But it doesn't look like it would get down to
the 7000's dB level.
Using a 100W processor, fan at full speed, the worst of the above is
3C warmer than the best of the above. A 3.06Ghz processor is 82 watts.
0.22 * 82 = 18C rise.
Mechanical clearance:
39mm height 7000 = 55mm radius, 7700 = 68mm radius
I haven't had a chance to see either cooler in person, but
the 7700 just seems huge when envisioned within any
motherboard layout. I guess that's another product intended
for radical overclockers.
P4T-E (use a drawing tool, import mobo picture, overlay heatsink radius)
Both solutions pass over the RAM, so the RAM, when sitting in the
socket, must be less than 39mm (1.53"). The 7000 blocks one slot,
the 7700 blocks two slots, so removal of the RAM with the heatsink
in place might be a problem. I have no idea how tall your RAM is.
The Rambus sticks get to 1-3/8" to 1-1/2" above the motherboard.
Good point about swapping RAM! That hadn't occurred to me.
Ordinarily I wouldn't worry about it, but I've been intending to
replace two 256's with 512's so I can get 2Gigs in this machine.
I've turned up some stories of damage to circuitry/processor during
installation of Zalmans. I took that to mean they're hard to press
into place. Or maybe careless installer. In either case, I want to
keep uninstalling/reinstalling to a minimum.
The 7700 passes over the rear connector stack, and also passes over
top of the Northbridge. So the connector stack and the Northbridge
heatsink have to be less than 1.53" high.
Those both seem to clear comfortably. Impressive to envision this as
the smaller of the two heatsinks though. I think the 7000 vs 7700
choice is clearly decided.
P4C800-E (import mobo picture, overlay heatsink radius)
The 7000 fits, because that is what I use. The 7000 just passes over
the edge of the Northbridge heatsink, and has clearance to it.
The 7700 would be getting close to the rear connecor stacks, and
definitely passes over a portion of the Northbridge. I would not
be able to fit a 7700 in my case, because my rear case fan would
bump into the fins (I use a 120x120x37mm fan).
Whose case do you use? I presume that you're using Papst or Panaflow
fans, but if you've found something else with good noise specs, please
let me know. The Papst and Panaflows are relatively hard to find.
I normally leave the sides open on systems, so I don't use fans in the
back. Yeah, more noise and unclear airflow path, but I end up
swapping boards and drives too often.
I *do* put fans in front of all the drives, and that's where I'm
looking to place some high cfm, low noise fans. Currently have Antec
80mms which are good, but they may become audible if I quiet down the
CPU fan.
Paul, you could archive all your posts and have a great manual
for Asus installation. Thanks again for another helpful post.
As it stands, I'll probably opt for the 7000AlCu, as I'd like to
minimize lateral (gravity) stress on the motherboard. I normally
don't go for 'Lan Party' effects, but I think they make one with a
blue LED which could be useful for monitoring fan power.
BTW, I guess all mention of 7000 above should really be 7000B, as that
is Zalman's current model. I haven't seen the 7000A advertised, but
I've seen plenty of the plain 7000's in price lists. That would seem
to be an older model.