Which - Windows or MSN?



Which is preferable, Windows Messenger 5.0 or MSN Messenger 6.2?

What are the relative benefits/differences?

I do not seem able to easily find a 'comparison table' to help deme decide
for myself.


Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings DG,

Most notably, MSN Messenger 6 has support for display pictures, custom emoticons, has a
different interface, etc. whereas Windows Messenger supports SIP-based communications
services, Exchange IM Server, etc. Which one you use is up to you if you're simply using the
most basic functionality, connecting to the public .NET Messegner service) and a matter of
personal choice. However one thing to keep in mind, Windows Messenger must still be installed
on Windows XP in order for MSN Messenger to retain full functionality (Remote Assistance,
Whiteboard, Application Sharing, etc.).

MSN Messenger is centered around MSN technologies (Hotmail, MSN Member Profiles, MSN Mobile,
etc.) whereas Windows Messenger is centered around Windows technologies (Exchange Server,
Office Live Communications Server, Windows Netmeeting, etc.).
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.


In my experience, MSN messenger 6.2 is better than
Windows Messenger. The Lag and randomly offline people
situations occur in both versions. The only benefit i
know of that Windows Messenger has over 6.2 is that it
comes with all Windows XP systems, and that it is much
simpler, if you dont appreciate display pictures,
profiles, emoticons, and much more. I have two different
msn accounts (one for people i know in person, one for
people i know online), so it helps to have both running
at once.

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