I cant use a select query on a table - the calendar table we have only hsa
scheduled events.
I think you *could* use a query (or a join) on a calendar table. (I
did.) It seems that what you have now is a table of events, not a
calendar table.
A calendar table might look like this:
Date Year Month Day DOW DOWOrdinal WeekNum WeekYear
========== ====== ====== ====== === ========== ======= ========
2004-01-21 2004 1 21 Wed 3 4 2004
2004-01-22 2004 1 22 Thu 4 4 2004
2004-01-23 2004 1 23 Fri 4 4 2004
2004-01-24 2004 1 24 Sat 4 4 2004
2004-01-25 2004 1 25 Sun 4 4 2004
2004-01-26 2004 1 26 Mon 4 5 2004
2004-01-27 2004 1 27 Tue 4 5 2004
2004-01-28 2004 1 28 Wed 4 5 2004
2004-01-29 2004 1 29 Thu 5 5 2004
2004-01-30 2004 1 30 Fri 5 5 2004
2004-01-31 2004 1 31 Sat 5 5 2004
2004-02-01 2004 2 1 Sun 1 5 2004
2004-02-02 2004 2 2 Mon 1 6 2004
Use a spreadsheet to generate the data. That's the easiest way.
Im looking for every sunday (or monday) of the weeks
specified in order to check how many events are scheduled. (and, therefore,
not scheduled if there is a minimum requirement.)
You can join a calendar table to a table of events. (But after reading
ahead, I'm not quite sure whether you actually need to do that.)
Anyway, if I had a table of events that looked like this:
Date Num
========== ======
2004-01-05 1
2004-01-05 2
2004-01-05 6
2004-01-06 3
2004-01-06 5
2004-01-07 4
then I could do this in standard SQL:
SELECT T1."WeekYear", T1."WeekNum", COUNT(T2."Num") AS "NumScheduled"
FROM Calendar T1
LEFT JOIN Events T2 ON (T2."Date" = T1."Date")
(T1."Date" BETWEEN date '2004-01-05' AND date '2004-01-28')
GROUP BY T1."WeekYear", T1."WeekNum";
WeekYear WeekNum NumScheduled
======== ======= ============
2004 2 6
2004 3 0
2004 4 0
2004 5 0
(Note that I cheated on the start date and end date to keep the SQL
short and focused on the point, which is the COUNT(), OUTER JOIN, and
GROUP BY. I'm pretty sure everything I've posted so far can be
translated into Access/Jet SQL.)
so, for example, my calendar table has 6 events per week but only on the
first 3 weeks of the date range. the requirement is for 6 events for 4
weeks. So what i want show is that for the week:
Week Required Scheduled
1/4/04 6 6
1/11//04 6 6
1/18/04 6 6
1/25/04 6 0
so im trying to build a requirements query with a one to many join on the
calendar table to count events by week.
Can you post structure and sample data for the tables you're using?