The Old Fart
I had a window pop up which says that my USB devise will perform faster
if I plug it into a USB2 port rather than an a USB1 port. It even
suggests which port to use.
This is essentially a new machine. Aren't all the ports the same since?
How am I to determine what port is being referred to since I have
many on the machine both front & back? In addition the PC has an
inbuilt card reader which seems to classify itself as lettered hard
drives. Can these be causing the confusion?
if I plug it into a USB2 port rather than an a USB1 port. It even
suggests which port to use.
This is essentially a new machine. Aren't all the ports the same since?
How am I to determine what port is being referred to since I have
many on the machine both front & back? In addition the PC has an
inbuilt card reader which seems to classify itself as lettered hard
drives. Can these be causing the confusion?