Which UDF version is mostly used? v1.02 or higher?


Thomas Blabb

I would like to burn my DVDs with UDF format rather than the ISO-Jolliet.

However my burning program(s) ask me which UDF version I would like to use in detail and offers me:


The higher the version (resp. revision) number the more and better fetaures are available.
On the other side my resulting DVDs should be readable by most of the DVD drives on the market
resp. on the existing computers.

What is the most common/used UDF version:

Can one say that e.g. 99% of all DVD drives can read UDF DVDs of version 2.01?



In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage Thomas Blabb said:
I would like to burn my DVDs with UDF format rather than the ISO-Jolliet.
However my burning program(s) ask me which UDF version I would like to use in detail and offers me:

The higher the version (resp. revision) number the more and better fetaures are available.
On the other side my resulting DVDs should be readable by most of the DVD drives on the market
resp. on the existing computers.
What is the most common/used UDF version:
Can one say that e.g. 99% of all DVD drives can read
UDF DVDs of version 2.01?

The problem is not the DVD drive. It just reads sectors and all
these UDF formats look the same to it. The problem is the OS.

The Wikipedia article here


gives some more background on this question. Seems going
1.02 is still the best bet.


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