which tool?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ross
  • Start date Start date


I need a tool to generate forms visually and that tool
must export to XML. Once the form is created, it will be
sent to a PDA in order to collect some information from
the clients. I think I can use Access2002, Visual Fox
Pro, Visual Studio or Visual Studio .NET. But which one
would be the best one?? why?
Winforms on the desktop and the CF are two different
beasts. One won't work on the other. Now, you do create
forms in the IDE on a desktop for Smart Device
Applications, but it's not the same code.

What you want to do isn't all that difficult, but unless
I'm misunderstanding the steps, I don't think you can do
it how you mention.

You're going to need something to take that XML document
from the network stream or file, and deserialize and make
a form out of it. At best, I think you could define all
of the properties in your XML file and then have your
app, read the file and dynamically create the controls on
that form. However, you won't be able to use a form
designer as it's traditionally used to accomplish this.

What mechanism were you wanting to use to take the XML
and create a form out of it?