Which table to put fields in?

  • Thread starter Thread starter KateB
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Can someone help me with where certain fields should go (I am self-taught so
please bear with me!) I am creating a database to store information
regarding nursing home audits. A member of staff will go out to the home
with a list of approx 140 questions to check compliance. Each home is
audited at least once a year. A different member of staff may go each time.
So far I have tables set up with the base information, e.g tblHome - HomeID,
Address etc, tblAuditor - Auditor ID, StaffName etc, tblQuestions - QID,
QuestText, tblResponse for the yes/no answer and additional comments (each
question is answered yes, no, not applicable, but may need extra
clarification on how to improve that area).

My problem is with the responses. I have tried to follow Duane Hookum's At
Your Survey db which has been very helpful, and I think I need a table to
join the others together that will contain the Response ID, HomeID,
AuditorID, AuditDate, but a colleague thinks that tblHome and tblAuditor
should link to tblQuestions (i.e. there should be a question (field?) about
which home it is, who audited, what date) and then the question table linked
to the Response table. However, I need to be able to report the info back
both by Home and by individual questions (compare homes across our area) and
just can't get my head around how my colleague's thinking would work.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is one method correct or would
both methods work? I hope this is clear enough for people to follow, if not
please let me know and I'll try to clarify!
Can someone help me with where certain fields should go (I am self-taughtso
please bear with me!)  I am creating a database to store information
regarding nursing home audits.  A member of staff will go out to the home
with a list of approx 140 questions to check compliance.  Each home is
audited at least once a year.  A different member of staff may go each time.  
So far I have tables set up with the base information, e.g tblHome - HomeID,
Address etc, tblAuditor - Auditor ID, StaffName etc, tblQuestions - QID,
QuestText, tblResponse for the yes/no answer and additional comments (each
question is answered yes, no, not applicable, but may need extra
clarification on how to improve that area).

My problem is with the responses.  I have tried to follow Duane Hookum's At
Your Survey db which has been very helpful, and I think I need a table to
join the others together that will contain the Response ID, HomeID,
AuditorID, AuditDate, but a colleague thinks that tblHome and tblAuditor
should link to tblQuestions (i.e. there should be a question (field?) about
which home it is, who audited, what date) and then the question table linked
to the Response table.  However, I need to be able to report the info back
both by Home and by individual questions (compare homes across our area) and
just can't get my head around how my colleague's thinking would work.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Is one method correct or would
both methods work?  I hope this is clear enough for people to follow, if not
please let me know and I'll try to clarify!

I think you need a tblAudit to store information about the audit
(home, auditor, date). You only want to store this once. The responses
are linked to tblAudit and tblQuestion.


Thanks Peter, I think that's what I was heading towards but wasn't sure
enough to go with my instinct. My colleague has a degree in this sort of
thing so put the doubt in my mind about my direction, but to be fair he
doesn't know the background so I might have persuaded him around!

Many thanks to you (and June7) for replying to me.
