I am trying to build a minimal image in which I will use my own custom shell
(an MFC GUI). I have followed the suggestions under Devolopment
Process/Design a Run-Time Image/Footprint in the XPE SP2 help file and
selected the minimum number of devices, minlogon, and no help files. I am
running the dependency checker with auto-resolve disabled and resolving
dependencies one by one. For some reason, I am getting a dependency on
internet explorer and explorer application, which I don't think I need. The
message from the dependency checker is
System components require at least one additional enabled component not in
the configuration
Is there a way to figure out which system component? What is the best way to
eliminate these dependencies?
(an MFC GUI). I have followed the suggestions under Devolopment
Process/Design a Run-Time Image/Footprint in the XPE SP2 help file and
selected the minimum number of devices, minlogon, and no help files. I am
running the dependency checker with auto-resolve disabled and resolving
dependencies one by one. For some reason, I am getting a dependency on
internet explorer and explorer application, which I don't think I need. The
message from the dependency checker is
System components require at least one additional enabled component not in
the configuration
Is there a way to figure out which system component? What is the best way to
eliminate these dependencies?