Peter Meister
I currently have a motherboard which can hold
168 Pin RAMs as well as 184 Pin DDRs. The motherboard offers 200 + 266 FrontSideSpeeed.
I am now have to decide which RAMs I should take.
Are 184 Pin DDRs faster than 168 PINs ?
How much faster (without overclocking) ? 20% ?
Which RAM type has more future ?
Possibly I change in a couple of month/years to another, newer motherboard.
Which type of RAM is more likely to fit into the new (currently unknown) motherboard?
Ok, I know, for exact statements you need the exact specifications.
But I don't know which motherboard I will buy in the future.
I only would appreciate to have rules of thumb.
168 Pin RAMs as well as 184 Pin DDRs. The motherboard offers 200 + 266 FrontSideSpeeed.
I am now have to decide which RAMs I should take.
Are 184 Pin DDRs faster than 168 PINs ?
How much faster (without overclocking) ? 20% ?
Which RAM type has more future ?
Possibly I change in a couple of month/years to another, newer motherboard.
Which type of RAM is more likely to fit into the new (currently unknown) motherboard?
Ok, I know, for exact statements you need the exact specifications.
But I don't know which motherboard I will buy in the future.
I only would appreciate to have rules of thumb.