I am BY NO MEANS a developer or a programmer... I just do tech
purchases for a school system.
A teacher wants about 20 licensse for the following program (He said he
got this info from the 'About' screen info):
Microsoft Visual Basic.Net
Microsoft. Net Framework 1.1.4322 SP1
Microsoft Development Environment 2003 version 7.1.3088
So, do I just walk up to my friendly software reseller and say "Hi, I
want you to sell me 20 licenses of Microsoft Visual Basic.Net,
Microsoft. Net Framework 1.1.4322 SP1, Microsoft Development
Environment 2003 version 7.1.3088" ?
Im sure id get a befuddled look if I did this...
thanks all, sorry for the dumb question...
Jazz Mann
purchases for a school system.
A teacher wants about 20 licensse for the following program (He said he
got this info from the 'About' screen info):
Microsoft Visual Basic.Net
Microsoft. Net Framework 1.1.4322 SP1
Microsoft Development Environment 2003 version 7.1.3088
So, do I just walk up to my friendly software reseller and say "Hi, I
want you to sell me 20 licenses of Microsoft Visual Basic.Net,
Microsoft. Net Framework 1.1.4322 SP1, Microsoft Development
Environment 2003 version 7.1.3088" ?
Im sure id get a befuddled look if I did this...
thanks all, sorry for the dumb question...
Jazz Mann