Which PHP IDE do you use?


Feb 23, 2002
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I'm starting to do more coding work, and I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to IDEs to use. I'm currently using NetBeans for all my PHP work, and I've got no complaints with it - but is there anything better out there?

PHPStorm looks pretty good, but I don't code enough to make it worthwhile paying that sort of recurring license fee.

I do have Visual Studio, but it looks like PHP compatibility is pretty ropey, unless using 3rd party plugins.

Any other PHP developers out there that could suggest some IDEs to try?
I've not tried that one yet, but it looks nice (and quite similar). As it's free, I may as well download it and give it a go :).
I'm not a web developer, but I can give you some editor suggestions:
IDEs supports php script:
Visual Studio (Almost any version. www.visualstudio.com The community edition of visual studio is free.)
Eclipse (url as Urmas says.)
Text / Code Editors:
Notepad++ (Highly recommend this. Lots of plug-ins can be installed with. https://notepad-plus-plus.org)
Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/ freeware support many platforms)
UltraEdit (www.ultraedit.com Powerful but expensive.)
Sublime Text (https://www.sublimetext.com A beautiful editor.)
Notepad2 (http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html Small, less functionality, but most light-weight )

I used those editors I mentioned above before, they're much reliable. And the following link contains lots of editors, I have no chance to use them one by one. But may be it could give you more choice.

Here's a site you could make it as PHP references or language guide:
Thanks for those suggestions :).

I've been using Notepad++ quite a bit recently, and really like that. I'll check out that plugin site, as it would be handy to expand it to cope with coding better.