Which newsgroup should I ask this in?

  • Thread starter news-server.austin.rr.com
  • Start date


I understand that there is a 4 gig size limit on exes. While I have no
intention of creating a program that large, I am looking at creating a
self-extracting exe of a size larger than that. What news group would I ask
how can I do that in?

-- Larry Maturo
lmaturo at imceda dot com

Gerry Cornell

You cannot create a file larger than (2^32)-1 bytes (this is one byte
less than 4 GB) on a FAT32 partition.


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



Both winrar and winzip have the capability to make self extracting files. I
don't know they have a size limit or not.

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