Thanks DL - A hardware issue is a distinct possibility & has been suggested
earlier. Maybe. But after several months why no obvious breakdown? Also -
I ran the available tests on the Vista Ultimate CD. I've been thru the bios
menus going by the Asus user manual. I use the default settings except for
the booting drive option that lets me boot from the CD. I've checked for
all updated drivers & mobo flash upgrades - checked the Asus website & found
no promising leads. I think I do have a meter somewhere that came with the
mobo for diagnostics - but I'm still not convinced there's a hardware issue.
I'm all thumbs & am shy of opening the case even though I foolishly built
several PCs since 1990 & Win 3.0 - I am probably dead wrong but I suspect
the issue is possibly related to a mobo/Intel quad cpu/Vista 64 bit
compatibility issue. (I did manage to replace my CMOS battery & reseat my
graphics in another PCI slot.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "DL" <
[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Which newsgroup for these freezes?