Niklas Östergren
I have a form which displays a person´s name, address and so on. On this
form I also have a txtbox displaying the person´s membernumber if he/she is
a member. If not I set propertie Visible = False for the textbox and the
The controlsource for this textbox (txtMemberNo) isn´t in the recordset for
the form. So I need to get this from a query and deside if txtMemberNo shall
be visible or not. Right now I use DCount to see if the person is a member
and if so I use DlookUp to get the membernumber.
Now to my Q:
I have heard that mor or less all D-functions are slow (Dcount, DlookUp and
so on) so my Q is if ther´s a better way to do this than to use DCount and
The recordset that I get this values from are linked tables (backend).
// Niklas
I have a form which displays a person´s name, address and so on. On this
form I also have a txtbox displaying the person´s membernumber if he/she is
a member. If not I set propertie Visible = False for the textbox and the
The controlsource for this textbox (txtMemberNo) isn´t in the recordset for
the form. So I need to get this from a query and deside if txtMemberNo shall
be visible or not. Right now I use DCount to see if the person is a member
and if so I use DlookUp to get the membernumber.
Now to my Q:
I have heard that mor or less all D-functions are slow (Dcount, DlookUp and
so on) so my Q is if ther´s a better way to do this than to use DCount and
The recordset that I get this values from are linked tables (backend).
// Niklas