Tubbs® said:
Yeah but is it an upward move is what I'm asking ?
It definitly is! Playing games with DX9 effects enabled, shining as
never before. The 9600 XT will deliver you that, even more.... you
ever played counterstrike? Ever saw how glazy the walls looked from
afar, with Aniso set on 16x ( without much performance loss ) you'll
enjoy a nice smooth wall as far as you can look.
Anti-aliasing is also great on ati cards, basicly it's a damn good
card. I self own it's granddaddy ( the 9500 Pro "in my days" ) and you
should get the same speed results, why? Ah well the trick of the medio
budget card, they made the 9500 Pro card actually to good for it's own
price since it had 8 pixel pipelines and 4 vertex pipelines.
So the card was pulled from the market and now is a little pearl you
have to hunt down to be able to buy it. The 9600XT with half asmuch
pixelshaders but clocked about twice as high will deliver you in most
cases about the same performance.
And the performance is great for a good price!