My friend tells me he has read repeatedly that one should always keep
hard drives on the Primary IDE and any optical drives on Secondary,
and not mix the two on the same IDE channel.
I have never read that.
Is that so?
Not necessarily. It often happens because you have a larger
rack up top and a smaller on the bottom, making it the only
reasonable (or even possible, if one adheres to the 18"
limit for PATA cabling) way to do it.
IDT, independent device timing, allows each drive to operate
at it's max speed, and has been a standard feature of any PC
motherboard chipset for the last decade or more. There can
be a minor performance hit having any ATAPI (like an optical
drive) device on the same channel as a hard drive, but it is
mostly trivial, as significant might be that if you are
accessing the optical drive, it may increase latency while
waiting for the slower transfer to complete.
In other words, PATA allows only one drive per cable access
at any moment, so any two devices which need max performance
for simultaneous I/O should be on opposing cables. Keeping
the cable routing issues mentioned above in mind, it is
often that the opticals (if two are present) are still put
on the 2nd cable and this is only changed if there is a
performance issue, I mean problem with the throughput in
particular uses.