Which function/formula?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Caroline
  • Start date Start date


I have a spreadhseet in which the 1st tab is the daily break down of reviews:
it has the employees' names and their numbers for every day of the month.
I want to add those up in a 2nd tab, and match the sum numbers to each
Here is what it looks like:


July 1st Reviewer A: 13
July 1st Reviewer B: 15
July 1st Reviewer C: 6

July 2nd Reviewer A: 9
July 2nd Reviewer B: 12
July 2nd Reviewer C: 4


I want this on tab 2:

July Reviewer A: sum for reviewer A for the whole month (sum from tab 1).
July Reviewer B: sum for reviewer B for the whole month
July Reviewer C: sum for reviewer C for the whole month

Thank you,
We need to know more about how the data is actually set out on Sheet 1
Do you have the date in one cell, reviewer name in another and the number in
a third?
Is the first recode in A2:C2 or where?

On the other hand do you have a single cell with this text "July 1st
Reviewer A: 13"
If so it is going to be easier if you use Data | Text to Columns to get the
data into 3 (or more) columns

Please answer these points so we can better help
best wishes
Yes, all are separated in different cells: A1 (date) A2 (reviewer name) A3
Thank you,
On Sheet1 beginning in A1 I have
Date Reviewer Number
01/07/2009 a 1
01/07/2009 b 2
01/07/2009 c 3

02/07/2009 a 4
03/07/2009 b 5
04/07/2009 c 6

On Sheet2 I have
Reviewer Total
a 5
b 7
c 9

The formula in B2 is =SUMIF(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$8,A2,Sheet1!$C$2:$C$8)

Now this does not allow for the month - I am assuming all the data is for
If not then

If you have Excel 2007, we could use SUMIFS for the second case
best wishes