Which Digital Camera to buy?

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Jan 14, 2006
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My folks are after a new digital camera under £200.
I get their old 3MP one for doing all the leg work!
Have looked at the Fujifilm Finepix F100FD at £160 which is 12MP.

But what do other people use or advise I should look at.

I'm going to learn how to use it before showing them!
Need to get it in the next few weeks before their next holiday in May!!
Oh and i think my Dad would prefer to buy it on the High Street than on the Internet if possible!!

Cheers in advance folks.
Before me hols (just back) got a Fuji S1000fd and very pleased with it, although still learning. It's 10MP and has 12x optical zoom and runs on ordinary,or rechargeable, AA batteries. Uses XD or SD camera card. Lots of features - too many really for me but you may be more into that sort of thing.

A couple of weeks before I got it the price was £189 but it suddenly dropped to £129 and when I went into Curry's it was only £119. Same price in PC World but a bit more at Jessop's. I think they're all desperate to sell.

Hope you find what you're looking for. :wave:
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