Old console app c programmer here trying to get something done in c#
and windows forms. I have a form with buttons like 'motor on' and
'valve open' text boxes like 'CFM' and 'PSI'. The buttons send one
character commands out the serial port, and the CFMs and PSI comes
back. I thought I was Almost Done when I got this working. I added a
tab called Edit where the user can tweak the numbers in a table with
heading like 'model number' 'cfm' 'psi' 'amps'. I have a half dozen
model numbers with slightly different editable test params. At first I
thought I needed a datagridview, but someone says 'You dont need a
relational database, just a table or flat file'. Any hints on which
control would let me open the file, edit the cells, and save it back?
In the 'old days', I'd whack on it manually, fopen, readln, scanf,
fwrite, fclose. Hopefully there is a control do do some or most of
this nowadays? I guess I'm only about two decades behind the tip of
the wave... Thanks for some gentile suggestions. Never stop learning
in the programming business.
and windows forms. I have a form with buttons like 'motor on' and
'valve open' text boxes like 'CFM' and 'PSI'. The buttons send one
character commands out the serial port, and the CFMs and PSI comes
back. I thought I was Almost Done when I got this working. I added a
tab called Edit where the user can tweak the numbers in a table with
heading like 'model number' 'cfm' 'psi' 'amps'. I have a half dozen
model numbers with slightly different editable test params. At first I
thought I needed a datagridview, but someone says 'You dont need a
relational database, just a table or flat file'. Any hints on which
control would let me open the file, edit the cells, and save it back?
In the 'old days', I'd whack on it manually, fopen, readln, scanf,
fwrite, fclose. Hopefully there is a control do do some or most of
this nowadays? I guess I'm only about two decades behind the tip of
the wave... Thanks for some gentile suggestions. Never stop learning
in the programming business.