Which Control: Hyperlink or LinkButton?

  • Thread starter Thread starter clintonG
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I think it's a matter of aesthetics and how much work you want your server to

You should remember that a simple <a href="http://greyskin.co.uk>hyper
link</a> does not require a trip back to the server, whereas a sever control
(LinkButton) does.

I would say, use a LinkButton if you need to do some server-side processing
when the user navigates away (usually a LinkButton will have a link to a URL
within the same application), otherwise use a hyperlink.
Hello Bill,

I was referring to the HyperLink and LinkButton web server controls.

I'm building tabbed navigation for the first time. Setting the CssClass
property in the Click event of a LinkButton leaves the LinkButton active.
When I set the LinkButton Enabled property to false the Text property
remains displayed (desireable) but is greyed out (undesireable) and at the
moment I have yet to determine how I might work around this.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
When I set the LinkButton Enabled property to false the Text property
remains displayed (desireable) but is greyed out (undesireable) and at the

Erm ... this is in keeping with windows (and other OS) controls, how else is
the user to know that the functionality is not available?
I understand. I don't see greyed out properties used much in web forms. Not
at all that I have seen now that I think about it. The problem is the
properties of the control are all or nothing and can not be over-ridden
using CSS once the Enabled property is set to false.

After a quick review of the source I found what may be a solution [1]. For
now due to time constraints I can cope with the greyed out text properties.

<%= Clinton Gallagher

[1] http://altinoren.com/showhidebutton.htm