Avast v. 5.0.462, WinXP SP3
I currently only run the File System Shield which would seem to lay over and
duplicate the Mail, Web, P2P and IM Shields but I am unsure if the Network
and Behaviour Shields are similarly covered. Any good reason to start more
As an unrelated but welcome footnote v. 5.0 has a smaller commit footprint
than v. 4.8 on this system, which is a refreshing trend. Developers very
often seem unable to understand that a clean, light and simple tool that
provides a specific and narrowly defined application well is still far more
useful in program maturation than a coat hanger / toaster combo that tweets.
I currently only run the File System Shield which would seem to lay over and
duplicate the Mail, Web, P2P and IM Shields but I am unsure if the Network
and Behaviour Shields are similarly covered. Any good reason to start more
As an unrelated but welcome footnote v. 5.0 has a smaller commit footprint
than v. 4.8 on this system, which is a refreshing trend. Developers very
often seem unable to understand that a clean, light and simple tool that
provides a specific and narrowly defined application well is still far more
useful in program maturation than a coat hanger / toaster combo that tweets.