I'm currently using an ATI 9600 PRO AIW AGP.
Looking to upgrade to a card with newer features to get the most out of
I've heard good things about the Nvidia 6600 GT.
Which ATI card would be it's equal and be in the same price range of the
6600 GT?
It'ds depend on the brand of the card and it clock rate gpu/mem.
For the GT i would tend to say that it's a better performer in fps at
high resolution like more than 1024x764.
I would suggest to go for a x700xt witch would be the faster card of
it's class x700. x700pro is in the range of a 9800xt. it's a real
bargain with the vivo feature. 250$can
The x700pro 256mb vivo play colin mc rally 2005 at 1024x763 with all
the details at 90-130 fps. with the card set aa-0 af to 8x.
Men of Valor road to hill 30 at 50fps minimum same setting.
ut2004 45 fps and more all detail
need for speed unleashed 2 50fps and more all details.
my spec are xp2600 333 1.9gigs
512mbs 333 Kingston
a7n8x-x nf2
and a 450watts psu

to juice up that rig.
If i had to buy an other card i would go for that one
it as everything u need. + a video in
agp version.
And it cost around 269$ can.
Ati don't have anything that goes around a 6600gt without going to a
x800, witch is a little bite better. God knows how they are
Look for the x700xt if you can find one.