Which asp.net 2.0 book to buy

  • Thread starter Christopher Reed
  • Start date

Christopher Reed

Both have their advantages. IMNSHO, Evjen's book is a good overview of
ASP.NET without going over the stuff you should know from 1.x; on the other
hand, Esposito's book is a good reference on ASP.NET and would be useful
within arm's reach while you're coding.

So, buy them both, if you can.


Professional ASP.NET 2.0
by Bill Evjen, et al
or Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Core Reference
By Dino Esposito
Any ideas?



Dino Sposito it's a guarantee... to buy a book

Are you upgrading from 1.1 to 2.0 ? I would consider:

Murach's ASP.NET 2.0 Upgrader's Guide: C# Edition
Doug Lowe, Joel Murach


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Teemu Keiski

In case you want also to know how ASP.NET works under the hood, then pick up
Dino Esposito's book. Wrox's book is oriented to get quickly to use ASP.NET,
but it doesn't really explain that much what is happening.

Jon Paal

Best book is totally dependent upon 4 factors:

-- choice of programming language (like vb.net vs C )
-- choice of development IDE (like a free smart text editor vs Visual Studio)
-- level of expertise (newb, etc)
-- focus on topic of interest (services, controls, other)

best book is the one which reflects your choices in these areas......

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