I know this is an old question and doesn't have a difinitive answer,
but I'm going to ask anyway!
Have a laptop running Win98 and it will be donated to some needy
school person. I put Foxmail on it for an email client and I would
like to know which of these three anti-virus proggys would be best. I
use F-Prot for DOS, but it requires a little more hands-on than most
others. Since I don't know the level of the person that will
eventually get thing, I thought I'd put something easy to maintain and
use on. So, which would you guys recomment??
AntiVir PE
Would sure appriciate any input. Thanks!
but I'm going to ask anyway!

Have a laptop running Win98 and it will be donated to some needy
school person. I put Foxmail on it for an email client and I would
like to know which of these three anti-virus proggys would be best. I
use F-Prot for DOS, but it requires a little more hands-on than most
others. Since I don't know the level of the person that will
eventually get thing, I thought I'd put something easy to maintain and
use on. So, which would you guys recomment??
AntiVir PE
Would sure appriciate any input. Thanks!