Please tell me if I've read the situation wrong but it seems to me like
Socket AM2 is "in", to the point where it's not a wise decision to get
anything else (by AMD, anyway). Socket 754, 939, and 940 seem to be
superceded by this new Socket AM2, and all of the latest and greatest
chips will be coming out for AM2, right? Or am I reading this
It always depends on price , availability in your region and what you
plan to do with the board and your budget.
For a main system the AM2 like everyone says is the best option
obviously cause of the upgradeability. I havent checked in detail but
some people have posted fairly low prices already but I havent checked
if they are real or not. I also dont know how much the motherboards
cost. If the AM2 CPUs are cheap but the MBs which are grossly prices
when new , are high then it might not be such a good deal for people
on a tight budget.
If its low enough a 939 maybe a very good choice. In fact depending on
how tight your budget is --- some people just dont want to get above
150 or so and have some old DDR around, a 754 socket might even be a
decent choice though it will have very limted upgradeablity. My second
and third system are 754s cause of the cheapo prices they were selling
At the moment Im thinking of keeping my X2 3800 and throughout the
year maybe pouncing on a cheap Conroe deal later on as my main system
or if AMD comes roaring back with some killer 65nm CPUs early next
year things might swing back to AMDs favor or if the X2s fall low
enough a 4x4 board might be interesting - two X2s on a MB.
My two 754s might go --- 3200 AMD and 2800 sempron for a Conroe and
Pent805D if its low enough.