Where's a good place to start with Pocket PC apps.

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Things I want to know, does a pocket PC have a file structure similar to a
pc? Could I build a PPC app that uses an XML datafile residing on the PPC?
Hi Mark,

Yes, the file structure in PPC is similar with windows desktop FS. The
difference is that in PPC there is no driver concept, all the file
including the extended memory card is attach under the root directory.
\Test may pointed to the extended memory card storage.
\Test1\test2 is folder on the PPC buildin flash memory.

XML document class partially supported by compact framework, that is to say
we can parse the xml file in the PPC.
For detailed information you may need to consult the MSDN, for those
property or method which is not marked with
"Supported by the .NET Compact Framework" that means the method will not
work on .net compact framework.

If you still have any concern, please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Thanks, that was some good information. Raises more questions too... such as,
if there are no device drivers, items are attached to root, how about GPS, or
maybe a barcode reader? On most PC barcode readers, the input is fed in as
keyboard presses. Any ideas on how that would work with a PPC barcode device?

Now I am involving embeded support team on this issue, and we will reply to
you ASAP.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Hi Mark,

I received your additional questions regarding device drivers. We do not
directly support GPS or barcode devices. Such questions regarding
implimenting devices like this need to be directed to the OEM for the
device -- they determine the hardware on the device. Driver details for
things like GPS and Barcode readers are specific to the hardware on the
device you are using. Because of the varience from manufacturer to
manufacturer, there are no standard answers for these kinds of questions.

Hope that answers your question!

Thank you,
Dan Reagan
Windows Mobile Developer Support

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What I meant was support via the Compact Framework... accessing them,
programming for them. How are devices, in general, interfaced? One of the
articles in MSDN magazine (which I will read one of these days... along with
millions of other things I need to do) talked about the System.IO.Ports

What confused me is Peter's comment:
difference is that in PPC there is no driver concept, all the file
including the extended memory card is attach under the root directory.
\Test may pointed to the extended memory card storage.
\Test1\test2 is folder on the PPC buildin flash memory. '

So to me, memory cards are drives (which is how they appear on a regular PC
in explorer).
But since he said that there is no driver concept, I thought he was saying
that all devices were accesses via the root directory, which didn't seem to
make much sense.
Hi Mark,

Let me clarify an early typo in this thread that may clear this up well for
you: The original post said "The difference is that in PPC there is no
driver concept"; actually he meant to type "There is no DRIVE concept",
meaning no C:\, D:\, etc, which you already understood. There ARE device
drivers, and those drivers would be supplied with the hardware you get,
from the vendor.

Those drivers would be native language DLL's, which you can use pInvoke in
the Compact Frameowrk to access those API's, just like you would with
normal OS DLL calls.

I hope this clears up much of your question? The short answer to your
question regarding devices: pInvoke is the way to access drivers for
devices on the Pocket PC platforms.

Thanks! Let me know if there are any outstanding questions with this,
hopefully fixing that little typo cleared up your confusion.

Thank you,
Dan Reagan
Windows Mobile Developer Support

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