Where to start

  • Thread starter Thread starter simsimlhr
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I am new to c#.
I want to do work in C# for data base and web servicing.So where to
Any url containing articles for beginers.
How much time it takes for normal person to learn.
For data base and web services vb net is strong or c#
Where can we learn the frame work of C#( articles).
well you can start by checking the tutorial for web service at
Also check the links on the left framce.
Rami Saad
Microsoft GTSC Developer support for Middle East

simsimlhr said:
I am new to c#.
I want to do work in C# for data base and web servicing.So where to
Any url containing articles for beginers.
How much time it takes for normal person to learn.
For data base and web services vb net is strong or c#
Where can we learn the frame work of C#( articles).
simsimlhr said:
I am new to c#.
I want to do work in C# for data base and web servicing.So where to
Any url containing articles for beginers.
How much time it takes for normal person to learn.
For data base and web services vb net is strong or c#
Where can we learn the frame work of C#( articles).

I would suggest learning the basics of C# as a language first, with
short console applications.

Then learn a bit about IO: streams, TextWriters, TextReaders etc.

Then learn a bit about databases, again using console applications to
make things easier.

Then learn a bit about web services that *don't* do any database work.

Then start putting it all together.

Basically, try to only do one difficult thing at a time. Far too many
people jump into the deep end and don't know which of the things they
don't know about is giving them problems!
As John said, take one step at a time.
Don't get lost in all sorts of web sites.
Jesse Liberty's Learning C# (O'Reilly)
has the basics. Don't buy one of the
popular books written by authors
suffering of verbal diarrhoea, you'll
waste too much time. After learning
about the basics, get books on specific
subjects. The ACCU publishes book
reviews. They have a web site.
As far as basic Framework (ListView, TreeView and TabControl) in C# and
DataBase support you can look at


as a source on "How to do" things.

The DataBase.cs does all the ODBC, OleDb and (for Compact) SqlCe specific
The DataBaseExplorer.cs works with the result of the retrieved Data
(DataSet, DataTable, DataRow, DataView)
Showing the result in a TreeView (structure of the DataBase/DataSet,
DataTable) and the viewing the records in a selected
DataTable in a ListView. Column sorting the ListView is done with a
DataView, since Sorted ListViews are not supported on Compact.

All (non password protected) Access, Excel, dbf (Compact: SqlCe) can be
opened, renamed and saved.
No direct support for Sql-Server (yet) but the DataBase class should work

The Explorer like "Look and Feel" (TreeView/Splitter/ListView) in the
Desktop Modus and
TabControls in the Compact Modus - when running on a PC (the Compact version
will only support the TabControls).

The goal was to use the same code for both Desktop and Compact, so there is
little Designer support.
Whether the same logic can be used for a Web Application I don't know since
I have never done one.
The Desktop/Compact dependent portion is in FormMainFrame.cs with the
following code :

#region FormMainFrame
/// <summary>
/// <list type="table">
/// <item><description>FormMainFrame</description></item>
/// </list>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>InitializeComponent</para>
/// <para>Initialize mj10777.Forms.DataBaseExplorer</para>
/// </remarks>
/// </summary>
public FormMainFrame()
mj10777 = new
} // public FormMainFrame()
// -- FormMainFrame

so mayby this same idea can be used for a Web application (File Open/Save
may be a problem though).

The source is highly Documented, so you can learn how to do that as well
(all source is included).
A lot of comments in the code why thing are done this way, problems (and
solutions) I ran into etc.
Note the comments made by others about the basic starting point, but for the
first Widows Application this should be
a good example to learn from.

Hope this helps,
Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany
(e-mail address removed)

simsimlhr said:
I am new to c#.
I want to do work in C# for data base and web servicing.So where to
Any url containing articles for beginers.
How much time it takes for normal person to learn.
For data base and web services vb net is strong or c#
Where can we learn the frame work of C#( articles).