Where to Modify Name and Initials?



You know when you create a user for the first time and It asks what is your
Full name and Initials. Where does Outlook store this information?
I have look all around the Options and Email Accounts sections and can't
find it.
Basically this was set for a group of my customers with their log-on names,
and they want to change itt to thier full names.

Francine Otterson

Are you are you referring to when you setup email account for a POP
account(s) or are you on an Exchange Server. Under Tools Email Account -
have you tried modifying the name in this location. If this is not what you
are referring please provide more information. If using an Exchange server
this may need to be changed directly on Active Directory on not on the
Outlook profile.

Christian Goeller

Robert O'Connell, you wrote on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 02:36:22 -0800:
You know when you create a user for the first time and It asks what is your
Full name and Initials. Where does Outlook store this information?

You can't change this information in Outlook but in an other office
application, e. g. Word.

There go to Tools | Options | User informations

The changes also will be taken over in Outlook.


It is using Exchange server 2003.
I had tried inputting the info into AD but it made no difference.
Then when I set up a new user, and Entered in the full name when it asked
for name and initials, it worked.
I will try the settigns in the other office Apps as thats the only place I
can find this type of info.

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