Where to locate 'fixes' to complete Windows 2000 upgrade.



The company I purchased my computer from, apparently went
out of business in the U.S. I am trying to install a
Windows 2000 Professional upgrade from Windows ME so that
I can use Frontpage for a class I am taking. Now it tells
me that I need to contact the manufacturer to download
some kind of fixes so that the upgrade will be
compatable. What now? Seems Microsoft wants $99 to
answer questions. I am pretty disgusted with that! I
hope someone can help me. I need this info fast!!! Thanks
in advance. Linda


With the tiny amount of information you have provided, I think you are going
to end up have to pay the $99,


Presumably the installation ran the upgrade checker, in which case the
updates you require are probably hardware related. ie drivers etc
I was under the impression that the upgrade checker gave a list of the items
requiring attention.
If you list these we may be able to help, but as the other post 'to little

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