Where to get missing file?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Stevenson
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Ben Stevenson

On a recommended download in this NG "Sysclean" from Trend Micro to do a
cleanup, I downloaded it and then I get the box:
Pattern file "LPT$VPN.*" is missing. Please download a copy.

How do I go about doing that.
Hi Ben - Download sysclean.com , from Trend Micro, here:
http://www.trendmicro.com/download/dcs.asp along with the latest pattern
file, here: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/pattern.asp Be sure to read
the "How-to" info here:
http://www.trendmicro.com/ftp/products/tsc/readme.txt (You might also want
to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of these:
http://home.epix.net/~artnpeg/). (If you download and use the updater from
the beginning, it will automatically handle downloading the other files for
you.) Place them in a dedicated folder (or start off in one if using the
updater) after appropriate unzipping. Show hidden and system files (HowTo
Disable Restore if you're on XP or ME (directions here:
http://vil.nai.com/vil/SystemHelpDocs/DisableSysRestore.htm), then boot to
Safe mode (HowTo here:
or a "Clean Boot". To Clean Boot:

1. Start|Run enter msconfig.
2. In the Startup tab, click the "Disable All" button.
3. In the Services tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services" checkbox,
and then click the "Disable All" button.
4. Click OK and then reboot.

Read tscreadme.txt carefully, then do a complete scan of your system
in Safe/Clean Boot mode and clean or delete anything it finds. Reboot to
normal mode and re-run the scan again.

This scan may take a long time, as Sysclean is VERY extensive and thorough.
For example, one user reported that Sysclean found 69 hits that an
immediately prior Norton AV v. run had missed.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim

I have been all over the place to the links you gave. Could not find any
link for the required file to download the copy of the missing file. Please
Hi Ben - 1. Why not just use Art's downloader as I suggested and get it all
done automatically for you? It's far and away the easiest approach,
especially since you'll need to update these files each and every time
they're used.

2. To answer your specific question - Go to
http://www.trendmicro.com/download/pattern.asp (the link I gave you before
for the pattern file), look half-way down the page and you'll see:

Official Pattern Release 2.246.00


lpt246.zip (AS/400, S/390, Windows) 4.8MB

ptn246.tar (UNIX) 9.9MB

The one you want is lpt246.zip. Direct download is

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Followed your instructions. Have two problems:
1. When trying to run sysclean I get the box:
16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem
C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\S323VNT1.DLL. An installable Virtual Device Driver
failed Dll initialization. Chose 'Close" to terminate the application.

I also get the same notice "Pattern File LPT$VPN" is missing, even though I
downloaded it the second time and I was reminded that it already exists.

2. After downloading 1pt246.zip it can be unzipped but cannot be opened. I
get the dreaded "Open With" box when I click on it.

Art's downloader had also been downloaded.

Need more help please.
Hi Ben - Well, I'm unclear at this point as to what you have and what you've
done. Let's try the following, step-by-step:

1. Delete any folder(s) you've created for SysClean and their contents.
2. Create a new, empty folder at the root level and rename it "SysClean" so
that you have C:\SysClean
3. Download SYS-UP.ZIP (download link -
http://www.epix.net/~artnpeg/SYS-UP.ZIP) and then unzip it (SYS-UP.EXE) to
the new "SysClean" folder that you just created.
4. Turn off/disable ANYTHING and EVERYTHING on your computer by
Norton/Symantec, and also any other AV you may be running.
5. Enable "Show hidden files and folders" in Control Panel|Folder
6. Do a "Clean Boot":
a. Start|Run enter msconfig.
b. In the Startup tab, click the "Disable All" button.
c. In the Services tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services"
checkbox, and then click the "Disable All" button.
d. Click OK and then reboot.
7. Now run SYS-UP.EXE in your "SysClean folder". On the scan screen that
finally comes up, click Advanced, then either click "Scan all local fixed
drives" (default) or "Scan selected folder" and then enter your system
drive, as: C:\ - Your choice, but I would do the former, if you do have
more than one partition.

Go get a cuppa - This scan will take a long time, as Sysclean is VERY
extensive and thorough.

When it's done, you can click on View Log to see what it found and fixed.
Then post back here with your results to that point.

If you get an error anywhere in this process, STOP at that point and post
back here with the EXACT message (preferably, copy and paste it into your

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Jim Byrd said:
Hi Ben - Well, I'm unclear at this point as to what you have and what you've
done. Let's try the following, step-by-step:

1. Delete any folder(s) you've created for SysClean and their contents.

Did that.
LPT$VPN.* too was deleted, including lpt246.
2. Create a new, empty folder at the root level and rename it "SysClean" so
that you have C:\SysClean

3. Download SYS-UP.ZIP (download link -
http://www.epix.net/~artnpeg/SYS-UP.ZIP) and then unzip it (SYS-UP.EXE) to
the new "SysClean" folder that you just created.

Done. It was a pretty fast download. Only 188KB.
4. Turn off/disable ANYTHING and EVERYTHING on your computer by
Norton/Symantec, and also any other AV you may be running.

Quite some time back I had got rid of everything by Norton/Symantec.
5. Enable "Show hidden files and folders" in Control Panel|Folder

Its always been that way for me.
6. Do a "Clean Boot":
a. Start|Run enter msconfig.
b. In the Startup tab, click the "Disable All" button.
c. In the Services tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services"
checkbox, and then click the "Disable All" button.
d. Click OK and then reboot.

Thats the scary part where I abandoned ship. Disable all in Startup was
In the Services tab I do not have "Hide all Microsoft Services". Perhaps it
is not there in XP Home. Every item in there was checked by default. Did
the Disable all and reboot.
Could open OE but "Server Cannot be Found". OE could not work. Internet too
was not working. Every site I tried I got "The page cannot be displayed". I
had no choice but to go back to "Services" and Enable All, and now OE and
Internet are working. So thats where I stand at present. All Startup items
remain disabled.

I noticed you didn't tell me what to do if I came up with the Pattern File
LPT$VPN.* problem.

I do not have partitions. All users including me as Administrator are on C

Some error messages cannot be copied and pasted, due to the type of box they
are in. It seems I have to press Cntrl plus something or Alt plus something.
I have forgotten. Pls advise.

Thanks for bearing with me on my rather extended problem. Am looking forward
to your more advise to clear up my problem.

Item 7 not done yet.
Hi Ben - Open msconfig. at the bottom (right above and a little left of the
OK button) you should see a check box for "Hide All Microsoft Services". If
not post back.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Yes I do see it now. Sorry. I was trying to find it in all the checkboxes
What shall I do now?
OK, Ben - Now go back, read it carefully and re-do the step-by-step I gave
you and see if you can get a "clean boot" re-boot this time and then can run
SysClean. Post back with your results, please.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Did all again. Was able to accomplish the Clean Boot. Opened OE and it was
OK. Web sites too opened OK. With Startup and Services disabled I was
wondering if it is safe to use my computer extensively, considering that I
am running without my AVG anti-virus and my Kerio Firewall. So I have
minimised usage.

The Sysclean had a shortcut on the desktop, and when tried to run I got this

16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem
C:\Docume~1\User name(me)\Desktop\SYS-UP.pif
C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\S32EVNT1.DLL. An installable Virtual Device Driver
failed Dll initialization. Choose "Close" to terminate the application.
So I closed it.

My XP Home came preinstalled and had Norton Anti-Virus in it which I
uninstalled and got rid of all the files I could find. Curious today, I went
to look for the S32EVNT1.DLL in the Start/Search and found it in the folder
C:\Windows\System 32. The Type is Application Extension, a 36 KB file. Its
description is Symantec Event Library. I wanted to delete it, but I thought
better to await your instructions.
Hi Ben - First, let's try and correct the VDD error. First, restore things
to a "normal" boot in msconfig - recheck your startup programs and uncheck
the Hide MS services box, then re-boot. Read ALL of this carefully first,

See here and do EXACTLY what it says: Virtual Device Driver Error Message
in 16-Bit MS-DOS Subsystem
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q254914 NOTE: You
MUST have Admin privileges and you MUST use Regedt32.exe , NOT just
regedit.exe . BACKUP your Registry first so that you can recover if
there's a problem. If you're not comfortable working with the Registry,
then get some knowledgable assistance, or use the program below to do this
fix instead.

Or even better in your case, courtesy of Andrei "Ndi" Dobrin, you can
download and use this: http://www.ndi.ro/VDDFix.exe I haven't used this
personally, but it has been recommended to me. Use at your own risk. In
your case, Ben, I would recommend doing it this way - it will be far easier
for you.

After you get that fixed, you need to clean up your Symantec issues.
Symantec is noted for causing problems and for being difficult to remove
cleanly. If you had the Norton NIS or Firewall installed, then for the
Uninstall - do everything but Step 5 -

In your case, I assume from what you posted that you only had the AV
installed. If that's correct, then:

Take a look here for the AV removal tool:

For the manual AV removal, it may also depend on your OS. See here:

(If your VDD error should come back after removing the Symantec stuff, then
re-run the VDDfix.exe program.) Please post back when you get this
far or if you have questions before you start.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

I have just opened OE and have read thru your instructions, and will get
down to doing them. I have a few questions first to enhance my knowledge. I
would like to be in a position to do these in the future as the occassion
arises. Please do not refer me to MS KB articles as they can be quite
daunting and are not written for simple folk.

1. How do I backup and restore the registry?
2. Where do I get regedit 32.exe from? I typed it in Run and it cannot be
found. I am aware of regedit and have used a little bit of it before - just
very simple stuff.
Hi Ben - Well, your second question first - It's regedt32.exe - no space
between the t and the 3. However, again I recommend that for this VDD
error fix you don't attempt to modify the Registry directly yourself, but
use the VDDFix.exe program that I gave you the link for to correct the VDD
error, since the manual fix is a bit complicated and you will have to follow
the Knowledge Base article carefully.

With regard to your first question - While you can export (most of) the
Registry for backup from regedit.exe (Note, this is NOT regedt32.exe from
above) by selecting My Computer and then clicking on Registry|Export
Registry File, a much preferable approach is the following. (You can ignore
for the moment the more complicated recovery stuff, and just be concerned
for now with the basic backup using Erunt and restore [if that should become
necessary] using Erdnt. You might want to set up a scheduled backup in the
future, however.):

Get Erunt here for all NT-based computers including XP:
http://home.t-online.de/home/lars.hederer/erunt/ I've set it up to take a
scheduled backup each night at 12:01AM on a weekly round-robin basis, and a
Monthly on the 1st of each month. See here for how to set that up:
http://home.t-online.de/home/lars.hederer/erunt/erunt.txt, and for some
useful information about this subject

This program is one of the best things around - saved my butt on many
occasions, and will also run very nicely from a DOS prompt (in case you've
done something that won't let you boot any more and need to revert to a
previous Registry) IF you're FAT32 OR have a DOS startup disk with NTFS
write drivers in an NTFS system. (There is also a way using the Recovery
Console to get back to being "bootable" even without separate DOS write NTFS
drivers, after which you can do a normal ERDNT restore. If you make your
backup into a folder inside your Windows or Winnt folder, you can restore at
a Recovery Console boot by copying the files from that ERDNT folder into the
system32\config one. After a good boot, then do another normal ERDNT
restore to also restore the user hives.) (BTW, it also includes a Registry
defragger program). Free, and very, very highly recommended.

FYI, quoting from the above document:

Note: The "Export registry" function in Regedit is USELESS (!) to make a
complete backup of the registry. Neither does it export the whole registry
(for example, no information from the "SECURITY" hive is saved), nor can the
exported file be used later to replace the current registry with the old
one. Instead, if you re-import the file, it is merged with the current
registry, leaving you with an absolute mess of old and new registry keys.

See if this helps. :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Thanks for all that abundant info.

Am now doing the other part of your instructions. Quite a journey it was.
Norton removal screwed up my registry and killed the internet connection.
"Server cannot be found". You're right. This Norton thing is not easy to get
rid of from the computer.

Contacted my ISP by phone and they led me thru all kinds of searches but my
IP address remained at They then asked me to bring in my modem
personally tomorrow for a check.

But luckily I had done something I had read somewhere some time back. It
said that before doing risky things, always do a system restore point first,
so I could go back if the risky thing turned bad. The article also said that
system restore is a good enough registry backup. I did the system restore,
and here I am talking to you. My internet connection is back up.

I am thinking of going back to your original instructions and doing it all
over again, from disabling startup and services, installing Sysclean again
etc. although I am not too confident it'll work.

By the way, the VDDfix program did not fix my VDD error. I ran it three

Awaiting your further instructions.

Jim Byrd said:
Hi Ben - Well, your second question first - It's regedt32.exe - no space
between the t and the 3. However, again I recommend that for this VDD
error fix you don't attempt to modify the Registry directly yourself, but
use the VDDFix.exe program that I gave you the link for to correct the VDD
error, since the manual fix is a bit complicated and you will have to follow
the Knowledge Base article carefully.

With regard to your first question - While you can export (most of) the
Registry for backup from regedit.exe (Note, this is NOT regedt32.exe from
above) by selecting My Computer and then clicking on Registry|Export
Registry File, a much preferable approach is the following. (You can ignore
for the moment the more complicated recovery stuff, and just be concerned
for now with the basic backup using Erunt and restore [if that should become
necessary] using Erdnt. You might want to set up a scheduled backup in the
future, however.):

Get Erunt here for all NT-based computers including XP:
http://home.t-online.de/home/lars.hederer/erunt/ I've set it up to take a
scheduled backup each night at 12:01AM on a weekly round-robin basis, and a
Monthly on the 1st of each month. See here for how to set that up:
http://home.t-online.de/home/lars.hederer/erunt/erunt.txt, and for some
useful information about this subject

This program is one of the best things around - saved my butt on many
occasions, and will also run very nicely from a DOS prompt (in case you've
done something that won't let you boot any more and need to revert to a
previous Registry) IF you're FAT32 OR have a DOS startup disk with NTFS
write drivers in an NTFS system. (There is also a way using the Recovery
Console to get back to being "bootable" even without separate DOS write NTFS
drivers, after which you can do a normal ERDNT restore. If you make your
backup into a folder inside your Windows or Winnt folder, you can restore at
a Recovery Console boot by copying the files from that ERDNT folder into the
system32\config one. After a good boot, then do another normal ERDNT
restore to also restore the user hives.) (BTW, it also includes a Registry
defragger program). Free, and very, very highly recommended.

FYI, quoting from the above document:

Note: The "Export registry" function in Regedit is USELESS (!) to make a
complete backup of the registry. Neither does it export the whole registry
(for example, no information from the "SECURITY" hive is saved), nor can the
exported file be used later to replace the current registry with the old
one. Instead, if you re-import the file, it is merged with the current
registry, leaving you with an absolute mess of old and new registry keys.

See if this helps. :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Ben Stevenson said:
I have just opened OE and have read thru your instructions, and will
get down to doing them. I have a few questions first to enhance my
knowledge. I would like to be in a position to do these in the future
as the occassion arises. Please do not refer me to MS KB articles as
they can be quite daunting and are not written for simple folk.

1. How do I backup and restore the registry?
2. Where do I get regedit 32.exe from? I typed it in Run and it
cannot be found. I am aware of regedit and have used a little bit of
it before - just very simple stuff.
Hi Ben - OK, sounds like you're making some progress. Go ahead and try and
do the step-by-step again. Be sure of a couple of things though. You want
to use (double click on) SYS-UP.EXE from within the same folder
where you unzipped it, not from any Desktop shortcut. Also, I would try
renaming the C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\S32EVNT1.DLL to
S32EVNT1.DLLOld (if that file is still there after your Symantec
removal exercise - I assume you did do that, right?) before you try the
SysClean steps. Post back with what happens, please.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi Jim

Happy to report that it finally worked today after two days of trying!

S32EVNT1.DLL was renamed to S32EVNT1.DLLOld
Another similar type file was found : NAVShExt.dll also similarly renamed.
Did the step-by-step again. Upon trying to run SysClean, the VDD error came
up again. This time I chose to Ignore instead of Close and Sysclean started.
Symantec did advise in one of their sites that Ignore does work sometimes.
I don't think I had managed to get rid of my Norton Folders/files through
the Symantec Uninstall/remove programs in the past few days.

In my 40GB Hard Disk occupied to 5.8 GB it took 23 mins for Sysclean to
complete. No viruses were found. But too many folders showed errors and
Access Denied. Eg:

C:\Documents and Settings

So what shall I do Next?
And Sysclean. Keep or delete?