where to buy?!?!?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Seashells
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I want to buy Windows Vista NTFS and I cant find it.
I have a small business and I need this program for my Apple Computer. But I
cant find on any website what versions of Windows vista has NTFS.
I am going crazy!!!!!!!!
All versions of Vista have NTFS so do versions of XP. NTFS is the file
system not a version of Vista or XP. All you need do is select which version
is available for the Apple Mac.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
Windows - Shell/User

Web: http://xphelpandsupport.mvps.org
Web: http://vistasupport.mvps.org

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Seashells said:
I want to buy Windows Vista NTFS and I cant find it.
I have a small business and I need this program for my Apple Computer. But
I cant find on any website what versions of Windows vista has NTFS.
I am going crazy!!!!!!!!

NTFS is a file system. All versions of Vista use NTFS. Make sure that Boot
Camp supports Vista. I think it does, but you should check on Apple's
website first.

As for what version of Vista you need (and I'm not sure why you posted this
is a hardware newsgroup, but oh well), that depends on what you want to use
it for. Here are some links with comparisons between the versions:

Comparison chart by MVP Tom Porterfield -
Vista product comparisons -

You would buy Vista at your favorite online or brick-and-mortar store.

Boot Camp supports 32bit Vista. The Macintosh drivers for Windows are on
the Leopard dvd and include Vista drivers for the Mac hardware. Vista x64
would run on a Core 2 Mac but there are no 64bit drivers.
From what I understand and also adding to the posts already kindly provided
by other users I want to add that you may have a small problem if not
forewarned. It is possible that if you have external storage devices even of
the latest possible manufacturing date they are "not compatible" with NTFS
and therefore, by extension "not compatible" with Vista.

This incompatibility is not complete, so to speak, certain files will be
stored but you may have trouble with others.

It is better to make sure that ALL you peripheral devices are reformatted
with NTFS file system before you began using Vista.

Most of the external hard drives as well as memory flash cards are
preformatted with FAT32 which is the "old" file system. It does not allow
Vista to enforce security.
alexB said:
From what I understand and also adding to the posts already kindly
provided by other users I want to add that you may have a small problem if
not forewarned. It is possible that if you have external storage devices
even of the latest possible manufacturing date they are "not compatible"
with NTFS and therefore, by extension "not compatible" with Vista.

This incompatibility is not complete, so to speak, certain files will be
stored but you may have trouble with others.

It is better to make sure that ALL you peripheral devices are reformatted
with NTFS file system before you began using Vista.

Wrong as usual.

Most of the external hard drives ... are preformatted with FAT32 ...."

Where do you get this, alexB? This is just not true.