"-= Ratz O. Fratzo =-" said in
The magnetic field/monitor issue aside, I was also referring to sound.
Stereo sound devices sound better with some separation between the
channels. Mounting them on the monitor gives you what, a foot and a
half? Bad idea.
And you are also a hell of lot closer to your computer speakers than
when you are sitting in a lounger a ways away from your stereo system
speakers. The stereo separation is based on the angle, not distance.
You can get stereo separate with headphones and there's no distance
there (except between your eardrum and the headphone speaker). Distance
isn't relevant unless you're really into reverb so you need that extra
distance to generate more variation in timing of reverb differential
between the speakers. If you're suggesting that the speakers be placed
6 or 10 feet apart, or more, then basically you're telling the user to
sit directly between the speakers. You don't then even need speakers.
Just get a pair of headphones. Maybe there are some really expensive
setups, but headphones have never given me the same spatial coloring
afforded by speakers.
Nobody expects the same quality from a computer system using speakers
under $400 when compared to a $3000 setup where you use a sound meter to
measure the sweet zone along with cancellation spots. Most folks just
buy the speakers and place them where they can because the environment
dictates the physical limitations far more often than acoustical
physics. Some folks have the money to build a special room for
acoustics. Some just use a big room and plop the speakers where they
think is best. But most have physical limitation in their living
environment that have nothing to do with acoustics. You do the best you
can with what you have.
Of course, none of this side discussion has anything to do with the
original post. Doesn't matter why the OP wants to have their speakers
mounted on their monitor. They made that choice and now they're looking
for the hardware to meet that requirement. Could be they're in a
cubicle so forget about placing the user the proper distance in front of
the plane between the speakers and having enough room to separate the
speakers. Could be the system is getting put into a kiosk so again the
separation of speakers is physically impossible. I wasn't really
interested in why Strangiato wanted to mount his/her speakers on the
monitor, but did provide one possible solution that THAT requirement.
What is best and what is doable are rarely the same thing.