Where to buy components?
Ask any individual that and they will give you a reply based on their own experience with a given supplier.
You see, no one supplier is perfect, that's a fact. One bad experience with a company and most people will then boycott that company for life, I know I do. For instance, let's take OCUK, forum member V_R reckons they're the bees knees yet they recently messed up twice with me so I quit using them.
Result? For every one person recommending a supplier another will diss it. Fact.
Plus you have to take into account the suppliers themselves are constantly manipulating websites and opinions to their favour, the link you gave to a 'review site' may itself be just a fabrication and initially I suspected a spam link but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
I've read bad things about almost every supplier out there even though with some of them I've never personally experienced any problems.
The real test of a supplier's worth is when something fails and how they react to it. For myself, this is where Scan failed miserably, not once, but twice.
I've read Dabs can be bad yet all I've ever received from them is good service, though haven't bought anything from them for about 5 years now.
For me, one supplier stands out like a diamond amidst a cesspool of slurry and that is - Kustom PC's. They regularly win polls for best service and supply a personal service, giving advice and responding to e-mails quickly. Time was they were a bit more expensive than most but lately their prices are on a par with most. Only downside is they are often poorly stocked so you may have to wait a few days for stock to arrive.
You'd do no worse than to read this Forum's own 'Retailers' section to get an idea about some retailers.
Ok, FWIW, my
personal views on some suppliers:
E-Buyer: Bought my last build from them and now my regular supplier. Have returned stuff, no probs. At time of writing - faultless
Kustom PC's - The best, bar none.
Aria: Have used them occasionaly, one rma sorted out quickly, no probs.
Scan: Despicable bunch of shylocks, make you pay for postage when returning faulty goods - avoid
Novatech - No personal experience of them but I'd be wary following a forum member's recent experience
Dabs: I've never had a problem, goods sent quickly and well packed but there again I've never had an RMA with them.
OCUK: Were once good but they messed me about once too often and there are a host of horror stories about them on just about any computer forum you care to visit. So I dumped them and no longer use them.
Amazon: on the whole good but standards seem to have dropped lately, I've had a few minor probs with them, mostly, it has to be said, down to a poor choice of delivery couriers.
Play.com: Mostly good but deliveries can be a bit erratic.
Printerland: Crap. Rubbish. Bilge. Balderdash.
I'm sure I've missed a few but there's something to be going on with