where to ask question about using System.Reflection.Emit?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck Hartman
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Chuck Hartman

Which newsgroup(s) would be the best place to ask a question about using the
builders in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace? Thanks.
Which newsgroup(s) would be the best place to ask a question about using the
builders in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace? Thanks.

This group would be a good choice.

Chuck Hartman said:
Which newsgroup(s) would be the best place to ask a question about using the
builders in the System.Reflection.Emit namespace? Thanks.

Here is fine, in my view.
Romain TAILLANDIER said:
there is some quite good speialist of reflection here ...
aren't you Jon ? :)

As pretty much the only Jon who posts here regularly, I assume you mean
me - but I'm far from a specialist on reflection! Particularly

Humbug though - now you've said that my conscience won't let me not
have a good delve at Chuck's question :)