m stroup
Dim Divis as string
Select Case optDivision.Value
Case 1
Divis = "Govt"
Case 2
Divis = LM
Case 3
Divis = "PW"
Case Else
MsgBox "Plese select a valid Division"
Exit Sub
End Select
sHaving = " WHERE qryBilletQuery.Status = 'Filled' AND qryBilletQuery.ITF <>
0 AND qryBilletQuery.Div = """ & Divis & """"
I changed DIVIS to be a variable and thought I had the right syntax in the
Where statement above. Please advise.
Select Case optDivision.Value
Case 1
Divis = "Govt"
Case 2
Divis = LM
Case 3
Divis = "PW"
Case Else
MsgBox "Plese select a valid Division"
Exit Sub
End Select
sHaving = " WHERE qryBilletQuery.Status = 'Filled' AND qryBilletQuery.ITF <>
0 AND qryBilletQuery.Div = """ & Divis & """"
I changed DIVIS to be a variable and thought I had the right syntax in the
Where statement above. Please advise.