I can't believe something liek this could be forgotten. Let's say I save a
video to Movies\Children\Fall 2005 then the next time I save a movie and I
want to put it in Children\Wrestling I have to jump thru several hoops. No
longer can I jsut click the up arrow. I need to now go to the left pane and
click several things to get to that folder when before all you did before was
click the up button once and then you'd be in the parent.
video to Movies\Children\Fall 2005 then the next time I save a movie and I
want to put it in Children\Wrestling I have to jump thru several hoops. No
longer can I jsut click the up arrow. I need to now go to the left pane and
click several things to get to that folder when before all you did before was
click the up button once and then you'd be in the parent.