Jack Gillis
Yesterday, I posted this query in Office.Misc and now realize I probably
should have posted it here. Please forgive the mistaken cross post.
Years ago, I set up some sort of template for printing envelopes with my
return address in Word 97. It still provides the return address every
time I prepare an envelope so I know it is out there somewhere. I just
can't find it. I thought its name was envelope.dot, but apparently it's
The reason I ask is that I am about to install Office 2003 from scratch
and want to make sure I save all my customization stuff from 97. I've
found every thing, including macros, green alligators and long necked
geese, but can't find the unicorn
Thank you.
should have posted it here. Please forgive the mistaken cross post.
Years ago, I set up some sort of template for printing envelopes with my
return address in Word 97. It still provides the return address every
time I prepare an envelope so I know it is out there somewhere. I just
can't find it. I thought its name was envelope.dot, but apparently it's
The reason I ask is that I am about to install Office 2003 from scratch
and want to make sure I save all my customization stuff from 97. I've
found every thing, including macros, green alligators and long necked
geese, but can't find the unicorn

Thank you.