where is the dos boot disk software?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kelvin Beaton
  • Start date Start date

Kelvin Beaton

I need to create a boot disk I can use to access my network to copy down

I thought the files would be in my Win2000 server CD but I can't find it.

Is there a better option?

Where is the MS option?


If you format a floppy in XP, one of the options is to "create an MS_DOS
startup disk. You can then use the Net Use command to map a network drive
to network share you need.

Steve Walden, MCSE
Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server Group

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
confers no rights.
Hmmm, I formatted a disk with the "create an MS_DOS startup disk" that gave
me a disk with the following files.
Volume in drive A has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2A87-6CE1

Directory of A:\

06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA2.CPI
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,753 EGA3.CPI
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA.CPI
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 21,607 KEYB.COM
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 34,566 KEYBOARD.SYS
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,942 KEYBRD2.SYS
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,633 KEYBRD3.SYS
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 13,014 KEYBRD4.SYS
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 29,239 MODE.COM
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 93,040 COMMAND.COM
06/08/2000 05:00 PM 17,175 DISPLAY.SYS
10/29/2003 10:47 AM 0 CONFIG.SYS

Now where do I find the software I can put an the floppy to connect to the

Thanks for the help...

Windows XP network wizard will create the disk for you, open
My Network Places and click on setup network.

| Hmmm, I formatted a disk with the "create an MS_DOS
startup disk" that gave
| me a disk with the following files.
| Volume in drive A has no label.
| Volume Serial Number is 2A87-6CE1
| Directory of A:\
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA2.CPI
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,753 EGA3.CPI
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA.CPI
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 21,607 KEYB.COM
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 34,566 KEYBOARD.SYS
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,942 KEYBRD2.SYS
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,633 KEYBRD3.SYS
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 13,014 KEYBRD4.SYS
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 29,239 MODE.COM
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 93,040 COMMAND.COM
| 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 17,175 DISPLAY.SYS
| 10/29/2003 10:47 AM 0 CONFIG.SYS
| Now where do I find the software I can put an the floppy
to connect to the
| network?
| Thanks for the help...
| Kelvin
in message
| | > If you format a floppy in XP, one of the options is to
"create an MS_DOS
| > startup disk. You can then use the Net Use command to
map a network drive
| > to network share you need.
| >
| > --
| > Steve Walden, MCSE
| > >Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server Group
| > >
| > >This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties,
| > confers no rights.
| >
| > | > > I need to create a boot disk I can use to access my
network to copy down
| > > files.
| > >
| > > I thought the files would be in my Win2000 server CD
but I can't find
| it.
| > >
| > > Is there a better option?
| > >
| > > Where is the MS option?
| > >
| > > Thanks
| > >
| > > Kelvin
| > >
| > >
| >
| >
Thanks for the reply. I feel like I'm missing the obvious here.

Are you saying, Control Panel\Network Connections? That shows me my existing
connection. There's an option on the left for "Other Places" and it has an
option "My Network Places" but that doesn't seem to be the right thing

Sorry if I'm making this harder then it needs to be, but I don't seem to see
what I think I'm looking for.

What I want to end up with is a floppy I can stick in a PC with no operating
sustem and boot to the network.

What did I miss?


Open the option you found to MY NETWORK PLACES, then on the
left sidebar, there should be a box labeled "Other network
tasks" and the third item there is "setup a home or small
office network."
Select THAT and you get a wizard, follow the directions and
use the built-in help.
XP will create a disk with the settings that need to be
transferred to the other computers on the network, this is
an automatic function of the wizard.

| Thanks for the reply. I feel like I'm missing the obvious
| Are you saying, Control Panel\Network Connections? That
shows me my existing
| connection. There's an option on the left for "Other
Places" and it has an
| option "My Network Places" but that doesn't seem to be the
right thing
| either.
| Sorry if I'm making this harder then it needs to be, but I
don't seem to see
| what I think I'm looking for.
| What I want to end up with is a floppy I can stick in a PC
with no operating
| sustem and boot to the network.
| What did I miss?
| Thanks
| Kelvin
in message
| | > Windows XP network wizard will create the disk for you,
| > My Network Places and click on setup network.
| >
| >
| > | > | Hmmm, I formatted a disk with the "create an MS_DOS
| > startup disk" that gave
| > | me a disk with the following files.
| > | Volume in drive A has no label.
| > | Volume Serial Number is 2A87-6CE1
| > |
| > | Directory of A:\
| > |
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA2.CPI
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,753 EGA3.CPI
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 58,870 EGA.CPI
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 21,607 KEYB.COM
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 34,566 KEYBOARD.SYS
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,942 KEYBRD2.SYS
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 31,633 KEYBRD3.SYS
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 13,014 KEYBRD4.SYS
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 29,239 MODE.COM
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 93,040 COMMAND.COM
| > | 06/08/2000 05:00 PM 17,175 DISPLAY.SYS
| > | 10/29/2003 10:47 AM 0 CONFIG.SYS
| > |
| > | Now where do I find the software I can put an the
| > to connect to the
| > | network?
| > |
| > | Thanks for the help...
| > |
| > | Kelvin
| > |
| > |
| > | "Steve Walden [MSFT]" <[email protected]>
| > in message
| > | | > | > If you format a floppy in XP, one of the options is
| > "create an MS_DOS
| > | > startup disk. You can then use the Net Use command
| > map a network drive
| > | > to network share you need.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Steve Walden, MCSE
| > | > >Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server Group
| > | > >
| > | > >This posting is provided "AS IS" with no
| > and
| > | > confers no rights.
| > | >
| > | > | > | > > I need to create a boot disk I can use to access
| > network to copy down
| > | > > files.
| > | > >
| > | > > I thought the files would be in my Win2000 server
| > but I can't find
| > | it.
| > | > >
| > | > > Is there a better option?
| > | > >
| > | > > Where is the MS option?
| > | > >
| > | > > Thanks
| > | > >
| > | > > Kelvin
| > | > >
| > | > >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >