On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 20:23:34 +0000, Camille Petersen posted...
I let WinXP perform a CHKDSK during statup on several large partitions
over night.
Where do I find after a reboot the log protocol of the previous chkdsk
operations ?
Go to >
Start > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer
click "Application" on the left
In column "Source" on the right half of the window, look for "Winlogon".
On the same row, "Event" matching 1001 is the que pasa on chkdsk.
Doubleclick that line matching both Winlogon and 1001.
If you want to cut time, you can pin the "eventvwr" to the start menu or toss a shortcut on the desktop and
save some steps while repeatedly waiting for chkdsk to fix your drive after restarts. However, I think zero
errors are unobtainable.
evenvtwr is found in the System32 folder.