Mr. X.
In what file the system.web is created?
Need a sample, please.
Need a sample, please.
* Mr. X. said:In what file the system.web is created?
Felix Palmen said:* Mr. X. said:In what file the system.web is created?
Sorry, I can't find my internet right now.
Ok, seriously, I don't understand your question and I really doubt
someone else will. The one sentence makes NO sense at all and things
like what you want to achieve, what you tried, what you expected and
what you got instead are completely missing.
Felix Palmen (Zirias) + [PGP] Felix Palmen <[email protected]>
web: http://palmen-it.de/ | http://palmen-it.de/pub.txt
my open source projects: | Fingerprint: ED9B 62D0 BE39 32F9 2488
http://palmen-it.de/?pg=pro + 5D0C 8177 9D80 5ECF F683
* Mr. X. said:What file ?
Where should I put it on the internet ?
(It's because I see many issues contributed to write something in
system.web, but what is it?
I think, if not you, but some people know what is "system.web").