I've read every article I can find on the internet and cannot locate how to
get this added back in. Like soooo many others I have the .NET and Exchange
login options, but NO SIP.
I have thre test machines (1 actually has SIP as an option). I did nothing
special for that one box and all three have XP Pro SP2 (all updates) and
Windows Messenger 5.1.
Can someone please answer this question for me???
I've tried:
Un-installing the Office Communicator client
Re-installing 5.1 Messenger (not MSN Messenger as I know the difference)
Registry entries
but nothing is working...
HElP Me pLeAsE!!!
get this added back in. Like soooo many others I have the .NET and Exchange
login options, but NO SIP.
I have thre test machines (1 actually has SIP as an option). I did nothing
special for that one box and all three have XP Pro SP2 (all updates) and
Windows Messenger 5.1.
Can someone please answer this question for me???
I've tried:
Un-installing the Office Communicator client
Re-installing 5.1 Messenger (not MSN Messenger as I know the difference)
Registry entries
but nothing is working...
HElP Me pLeAsE!!!