Where is Quick Parts Gallery stored?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jorge Cervantes
  • Start date Start date

Jorge Cervantes

I thought that Quick Parts is a very convenient feature of Office/Word 07.
I recently created many building blocks for Quick Parts.
I want to copy the updated Quick Part Gallery to my other computer.
I thought that they were stored in the Building Blocks.dotx.
But it does not seem so because the date and file size of Building Blocks
dotx did not change.
Its date is still 10/27/2006 even though I created several building blocks
for word this morning.

That webpage is very informative. I found this line:

The exact location of your Building Blocks.dotx templates will be determined
by your installation path and user name.

I scanned C-drive for "dotx" to find my custom made building blocks.dotx.
But it failed in locating it.


The customized template should be located in Document Settings/Your User
Name/Application Data/Microsoft>Document Building Blocks/####/Building

Where #### is the number of you language version (mine is 1033 for U.S.

I found the mystery. As you mentioned in earlier post, I found that none
of my building blocks were saved.
The reason was that macro was automatically disabled because my documents
were not from the trust center.
Now. I solved the problem. Thanks again. Jorge
Outlook Quick Parts are stored in NormalEmail.dotm; in my environment, this is the only choice.

Word Quick Parts may be stored in Normal.dotm or BuildingBlocks.dotx; the default location is BuildingBlocks.dotx.

It's typically not a problem to restore BuildingBlocks.dotx (for Word), but check with your network configuration experts before overwriting NormalEmail.dotm, as it has other settings that may cause a negative result if you go back to a previous version.

I haven't found a way to import just the Quick Parts from NormalEmail.dotm, but I'll post again if I find a solution.

Hope that helps!