When I execute the following lines of code ...
Dim clients(My.Settings.Clients.Count) As String
My.Settings.Clients.CopyTo(clients, 0)
.... the last statement throws an exception, "Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:item". This is apparently because I have a null value in
My.Settings.Clients (Type: System.Collection / Scope: User). I think I know
how that happened and will fix the code so that it doesn't happen again.
BUT ... how do I fix the problem I have at the moment? I think that I can
simply edit the settings file but I can't find it. If it matters this is a
Vistax64 system with VS 2008.
Thanks, Bob
Dim clients(My.Settings.Clients.Count) As String
My.Settings.Clients.CopyTo(clients, 0)
.... the last statement throws an exception, "Value cannot be null.
Parameter name:item". This is apparently because I have a null value in
My.Settings.Clients (Type: System.Collection / Scope: User). I think I know
how that happened and will fix the code so that it doesn't happen again.
BUT ... how do I fix the problem I have at the moment? I think that I can
simply edit the settings file but I can't find it. If it matters this is a
Vistax64 system with VS 2008.
Thanks, Bob