You show lots more memory than the pc I am using at present. That is to
your favor.
When you looked at Task manager, on the Performance Tab, how was your Page
File usage ?
The other key is how much FREE HD disk space is available.
On the Pagefile (which is where the system makes use of disk drive
temporarily, to store programs & data when you run several applications at
same time / and when programs need more memory than what pc has physically)
Review the Size of that file.
Pagefile.sys is a system/ hidden file on the boot drive. Look at your C
drive, C:\ .
You likely have to set Windows Explorer View folder options --- set to show
you all folders; all system folders; & hidden files.
Bring up Windows Explorer / Tools / Folder Options/ select VIEW Tab and
look at all of settings listed.
"CHECK" (turn on) Display the contents of system folders.
Under column, Hidden files and folders----choose ( *select* ) Show hidden
files and folders.
Next, un-check Hide extensions for known file types.
Next un-check Hide protected operating system files.
Then, this is a bit of Computer Major 200 level, but not necesarily too
difficult if tweaked carefully --- adjust the virtual memory setting for
Windows. Follow Alex Nichol's sage advice. With his paragraph starting
"How big a file will turn out to be needed depends ..."
See Virtual memory in Windows XP, by Alex Nichol, MS-MVP
Your running of Disk Cleanup is to be commended. You also should clean out
all files starting with tilde "~".
Also .tmp files
Beyond that, it is likely you may have older applications that are 'leaking'
memory because they don't release memory when finished.
I'd also advise running a Disk Defrag on a regular schedule (say once a
month). Just be sure your antivirus is not on & close your apps before
starting Disk Defrag. When it finishes, logout and restart Windows.
One last tip: Make sure your Word ( & Office ) apps are up-to-date with
Maurice N
MVP Windows - Shell / User
Alex we miss you dearly !
"shakey" wrote
According to Task manager I have:
physical memory total 1046620
available memory 539592
cache 695820
This is while I am trying to paste two paragraphs into word which is
me "there is insufficient memory or disk space"
I have 40gb of available disk space.
No change (cant paste)after closing all but word. opened notebook and
first try.
I have had similar happen a few times in last few weeks.
Just yesterday I ran virus scans and spyware checks and was clean then did
disk cleanup.
I will review this further to see significance of results: After a cold
start today I am showing:
1046620 total mem
available 55112 available
cache 704880
P330 mb pagefile usage
about 1.5 GB pagefile size
about 40gb+ harddisk space open
cpu usage very low
Thanks for your good input.