where is my Add-in...?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andre W B Furtado
  • Start date Start date

Andre W B Furtado

I'm having a very strange problem when trying to create an Add-In in Visual
Studio .NET 2002:

1) I create a new Add-In application in a new instance of VS.NET, checking
the option "create a tools menu item" (OK, as expected)
2) I build and install the Add-In (OK, as expected)
3) I open a new instance of VS.NET and the Add-In is in the Tools menu,
indeed. (OK, as expected)
4) I close all instances of VS.NET and, when I open a new instance, the
Add-In is not in the Tools menu anymore, although it is installed and
registered... (NOT OK! this is very strange... the Add-In manager says me
that my Add-In is still there, but it has disappeared from the Tools Menu
just because I've closed the instance of VS.NET which created it!).

Am I missing something obvious here?

Thanks a lot if you can help.
-- Andre Furtado

Andre Wilson Brotto Furtado
(e-mail address removed)
Qualiti Software Processes
Avenida Marques de Olinda, no. 126 - 4o. andar
Bairro do Recife, CEP: 50030-901, Recife/PE-Brazil
Tel/Fax: +55 (81) 3224.0123
For add-in questions, use the vsnet.ide newsgroup.

Answering your question, when closing the first IDE instance (the one with
the source code) it overwrote the commands created in the second IDE
instance. It is "By design".

To solve it, close all IDE instances, run devenv /setup, load an IDE
instance (the add-in button should appear again because of the /setup flag)
and close it. Now that is persisted, it won´t disappear again.


Carlos Quintero