N Nick Nov 6, 2003 #1 It was here yesterday now its gone from the web interface. Is it ever comming back? Is it still a managed workgroup? Nick
It was here yesterday now its gone from the web interface. Is it ever comming back? Is it still a managed workgroup? Nick
B Bob Powell [MVP] Nov 6, 2003 #2 If you mean "designtime" it's alive and kickin' -- Bob Powell [MVP] C#, System.Drawing The October edition of Well Formed is now available. Find out how to use DirectX in a Windows Forms control http://www.bobpowell.net/currentissue.htm Answer those GDI+ questions with the GDI+ FAQ http://www.bobpowell.net/gdiplus_faq.htm Read my Blog at http://bobpowelldotnet.blogspot.com
If you mean "designtime" it's alive and kickin' -- Bob Powell [MVP] C#, System.Drawing The October edition of Well Formed is now available. Find out how to use DirectX in a Windows Forms control http://www.bobpowell.net/currentissue.htm Answer those GDI+ questions with the GDI+ FAQ http://www.bobpowell.net/gdiplus_faq.htm Read my Blog at http://bobpowelldotnet.blogspot.com