Where Is Bottleneck?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al Stu
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Al Stu

When previewing movies system has hard time keeping up with MM2. Video stalls, jerks and jumps to catch up to audio, and audio skips. You get the picture (pun intended).
Mostly this occurs when there is transitions, the longer the worse it is. Is this pretty typical? Do I need faster system? What system/video setting may affect MM2 performance? Where's my bottleneck? CPU? Disk Drive? Video?

System is DELL Inspiron 8600
1.4 GHz Pentium M
512 MB-RAM
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 128 MB
40 GB 4200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 80GN-40 IC25N040ATMR04)

% Processor Time: ~30-40 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~35
Current Disk Queue Length: ~1-3

The hard disc at only 4200 will be a factor. If it is kept as empty as
possible and defrag it before use it will help, also turn off anything you
are not using inc a-virus etc etc. Ensure the cpu is using full power, I
take it it is a laptop with a mobile processor?

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

When previewing movies system has hard time keeping up with MM2. Video
stalls, jerks and jumps to catch up to audio, and audio skips. You get the
picture (pun intended).
Mostly this occurs when there is transitions, the longer the worse it is.
Is this pretty typical? Do I need faster system? What system/video setting
may affect MM2 performance? Where's my bottleneck? CPU? Disk Drive?

System is DELL Inspiron 8600
1.4 GHz Pentium M
512 MB-RAM
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 128 MB
40 GB 4200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 80GN-40 IC25N040ATMR04)

% Processor Time: ~30-40 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~35
Current Disk Queue Length: ~1-3

I agree with Graham..... when I went laptop shopping last year, I looked for
the one with the fastest hard drive and ended up with one at 6400rpm.....
even with that, I have to tune it up well before any task that is hard-drive
intensive (playing it smoothly is one of them).

Movie Maker 2: www.papajohn.org
PhotoStory 2: www.photostory.papajohn.org
When previewing movies system has hard time keeping up with MM2. Video
stalls, jerks and jumps to catch up to audio, and audio skips. You get the
picture (pun intended).
Mostly this occurs when there is transitions, the longer the worse it is.
Is this pretty typical? Do I need faster system? What system/video setting
may affect MM2 performance? Where's my bottleneck? CPU? Disk Drive?

System is DELL Inspiron 8600
1.4 GHz Pentium M
512 MB-RAM
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 128 MB
40 GB 4200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 80GN-40 IC25N040ATMR04)

% Processor Time: ~30-40 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~35
Current Disk Queue Length: ~1-3

% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent

I dont understand this bit? How can it be more than 200% ?

Anyway it is obvious your hard disk is not up to the scratch. Consider a
faster HD or two. With two HDs you can do disk striping thus getting double
the performance of a single HD.

Improve Windows XP's hard drive performance with disk striping

www.rehanfx.org - get more effects and transitions for movie maker

When previewing movies system has hard time keeping up with MM2. Video
stalls, jerks and jumps to catch up to audio, and audio skips. You get the
picture (pun intended).
Mostly this occurs when there is transitions, the longer the worse it is.
Is this pretty typical? Do I need faster system? What system/video setting
may affect MM2 performance? Where's my bottleneck? CPU? Disk Drive?

System is DELL Inspiron 8600
1.4 GHz Pentium M
512 MB-RAM
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 128 MB
40 GB 4200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 80GN-40 IC25N040ATMR04)

% Processor Time: ~30-40 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~35
Current Disk Queue Length: ~1-3

Proc is set to full power (always on power setting forces max GHz) and disk
is defragged.
Could try turning off virus protection I guess and see how much, if any,
effect that has.
Last year when I bought I wasn't planning to do video editing with it and
figured I could purchase a larger faster HD later if needed and probably for
less. Thinking about the Hitachi TravelStar 7K60 (60 GB, 7200 RPM). Are
there any larger 7200 RPM drives out there for laptops?
Yeah I thought 200 percent to be kind of odd too. Only thing I come up with
off top of my head is, read = 100%, write = 100%, and if read gets it all
then that's read = 200%. But that's probably not correct.

Multiple HD's for laptops?
Try an external hdd, they are really quite cheap these days and if you
connect with firewire you can daisy chain the devices. I have a laptop and
use one when I'm away with great success.
I've seen posts by those who report success by using an external faster
firewire drive, after not being able to do the video transfers on the
laptop's internal drive.... when I bought my laptop last May, I couldn't
find one with a 7200 rpm drive and settle for a 6400.... which based on my
desktop experience, would work. But I have to tune it up just before doing a
real-time process like exporting to tape.

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org

Dell was offering the Inspiron 8600 with the Hitachi TravelStar 7K60 (60 GB,
7200 RPM) as early as last September when I purchased. Today I ordered that

I can do send to tape if I save to computer first then import the movie and
send to tape. That way MM just deals with a single video stream (no
transitions, fades, titling, second audio, etc.).

Problem with the Firewire method is it's another peace of equipment to haul
around (just doesn't fit well with my MO).
Received the 7200 RPM drive last week and installed it in the notebook. Real-time preview with Movie Maker is now smooth and audio stays in sync, even with transitions, two layer titles and second audio track all going on simultaneously. :-)

DELL Inspiron 8600
1.4 GHz Pentium M ('Always On' Power Scheme to force max GHz)
512 MB-RAM
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5650 128 MB

With the Old Drive:
40 GB 4200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 80GN-40 IC25N040ATMR04)
% Processor Time: ~30-40 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~100-200 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~35
Current Disk Queue Length: ~1-3

With the New Drive:
60 GB 7200 RPM HD (Hitachi Travelstar 7K60-60 HTS726060M9AT00)
% Processor Time: ~40-50 Percent
% Disk Read Time: ~30-50 Percent
Disk Read Bytes/Sec: ~9.8 Megabytes/Sec.
Disk Reads/Sec: ~40
Current Disk Queue Length: ~0-1