My first guesses were User\Administrative Templates
or Computer\Administrative Templates
But apparently these are wrong even though I don't know what
you wish to set.
If it's not in there you can add it as an Administrative Template
via an .ADM file. (pretty much any reasonable registry setting
can be added this way.)
I want to turn on
Use drop shadows for icon lables on the desktop
Use visual styles on windows and buttons
and turn off the rest of the options.
Can you tell me more about this?
If it's not in there you can add it as an Administrative Template
via an .ADM file. (pretty much any reasonable registry setting
can be added this way.)
I'm currently working on this my self. I've wrote a quick and dirty AMD
template just for this. The registry key that stores this is at:
If you interested in writing your own ADM you can find some good info online
about it and in the MS Knowledgebase. One of the easiest ways to do this is
just export the reg file with the settings you have configured and run it
though a logon script.